
Close The Book On That One

Totally over wikipedia. Here's what Y first contributed:

Easily understood as The Rule Of The Father, it is predicated on the idealization of the sperm. Only one who is (assumed to) produce sperm commands authority. From god or gods on down the social strata, it is the (collective) father who structures laws and conventions to enforce the perpetuation of his authority over all underlings - beginning with women and girls. Thus we see the bound foot, the amputated vulva, and the lobotomy among so many other such patriarchal operations. Most often it is the mother and older women of a group who are charged with training girls for and submitting them to these procedures. Girls and women are valued primarily as vessels for the production and suckling of men's progeny. A woman who doesn't produce children at all, whose children don't meet the criteria for acceptable physical or mental condition, or whose infant is thought to be the spawn of a man who has no legal or religious right to use her body, will be killed, shunned, deprived of resources or otherwise punished.

Abortion is an abomination to the traditional patriarch because it renders his sperm effectively impotent. Today in the United States, we see evidence of this obsession with the sperm in the struggle of reactionaries to outlaw birth control methods at the same time as they condemn abortion. They claim the methods kill unborn children (thus obscuring the true prohibition which is against wasting sperm). Conversely, abortion may be forced on a woman by the man/men responsible for protecting the purity of the family bloodline or the seeming virginity of an unmarried woman, or to prevent the birth of a girl. Murder is the most common cause of death of pregnant women in the United States. Rape and suspicion of pre- or extra- marital sex is considered a directive to kill the woman involved in some cultures. Sometimes called "honor killings", they are precipitated by the patriarchs' mandate that a woman accept only the sperm of the man who owns the right to her children.

The perpetuation of patriarchy depends on assigning the ownership of women and children to a father figure, the elimination from the dominant society those whose sexuality, genders or bodies defy traditional man/woman procreation, and social feminisation (virtual castration) of men who are defined as other by the dominant patriarchs of any culture, locality, or religion.

Changed it to:

Patriarchy by its very name insists on veneration of the father. Essential to fatherhood is the sperm. Thus, one can deduce that veneration of the sperm and its function is inherent in patriarchy. An illustration of this primacy of the sperm is found in the Old Testement of the Bible. God the Father of Jews, Muslims, and Christians places the utility of the sperm above the value of even a man's life.

Genesis 38:8-108
And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy brother's wife, and perform the duty of a husband's brother unto her, and raise up seed to thy brother.
9 And Onan knew that the seed would not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brother's wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest he should give seed to his brother.
10 And the thing which he did was evil in the sight of Jehovah: and he slew him also.

Indeed, the Vatican has released a document Communion and Stewardship Human Persons Created in the Image of God, which commands that:

Created in the image of God, human beings are called to love and communion. Because this vocation is realized in a distinctive way in the procreative union of husband and wife, the difference between man and woman is an essential element in the constitution of human beings made in the image of God.


The relation of each one to Christ is determined in two ways: it depends on one’s own proper sexual identity and that of Christ.

In a patriachal system, anyone who does not fit this heterosexual procreative model is subject to be shunned, punished, or killed. The perpetuation of patriarchy depends on assigning the ownership of women and children to a father figure, the elimination from the dominant society those whose sexuality, genders or bodies defy traditional man/woman procreation, and social feminisation (virtual castration) of men who are defined as other by the dominant patriarchs of any culture, locality, or religion.

Now Y don't give a shit what they do.
And what is the sexual identity of christ, anyway? Is he kinda like michael jackson?


At 11/24/2006 6:24 PM, Blogger Lesbesquet said...

Thanks, Tom, Y would be happy to be a contributor to your glossary. Your site is refreshingly realistic.

The more Y delve into the world of wikipedia, the more pernicious it looks. Wikipedia, Patriarchy, Proof, and Pudding will explore this in depth and Y hope you will add your thoughts and experiences if ever you feel moved to do so. Meanwhile, Y found this yesterday as part of their explaination of their bias:

The average Wikipedian on English Wikipedia (1) is male, (2) is technically-inclined, (3) is formally educated, (4) speaks English to an extent, (5) is White, (6) is aged 15-49, (7) is from a predominantly Christian country, (8) is from an industrialized nation, (9) is from the Northern Hemisphere, and (10) is more likely to be employed in intellectual pursuits than in practical skills or physical labor.

At 12/08/2006 12:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you actually bothered to read Christian commentaries before blindly taking Bible verses out of context, you'd realize that the problem with Onan was not that he spilled his seed on the ground, but that he refused to obey. There is not a single Christian source that I've encountered that agrees with your interpretation. Obediance to God is a very fundamental tenet of Christianity. Then again, it's not surprising to see you make baseless suppositions. It's very trendy to take Bible verses out of context these days.

As for Roman Catholicism and homosexuality, well, we all know their stance, even though Jesus himself said "Condemn not, lest ye not be condemned", putting condemnation in the category some call a "mortal sin". Yay for doctrinal bizarrity.

Though I don't believe those fairy tales any more, I've seen enough Christians who actually do what Jesus said to have respect for their beliefs. Those kinds of people are starting to disappear, because people are starting to think that these context-free interpretations are somehow representative. The only accurate context for a Bible verse is the rest of the Bible, otherwise you can "prove" all sorts of meaningless garbage with it.


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